Tuesday 21 September 2010


So here I am, just heading into my final phase of my textiles MA. I thought I'd try and run a more professional blog based around my work in this term and hopefully beyond.
My work has taken a huge turn since my degree and I'm hoping to create something that I can sell rather than feel at a loss with. All year I've been using the more fashion/trend based influences I've developed since before I started my MA; I tend to prefer the pretty rather than anything else these days.
I have been developing patterns and designs from old lace and mixing it with old postcards from my great grandma as well as florals and other happy memories to make laser cut acrylic jewellery. So far I've been happy with my progression and now it's time to 'make it work'.
In theory terms, I've been taken back through my monograph to look at the line. It is something I am massively interested in, how it can be moved and made into something, and how we get it there, our movements, what it tells you, what it tells you about me, it's language, the other language I use.

I'm going to post more about my work here, occasionally I may post something that I am simply crackers about, other than that nip to my tumblr which is my oldest-and-very-visual-inspired-and-full-of-great-images blog!

If you're reading this then thankyou xx

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