Thursday 28 October 2010

Notes on a blog

I run my visual blog over on Tumblr with posts arriving everyday. I take so much from it and put so much into it and I enjoy it.
A few months before I started the MA, what I posted on the blog changed from almost random things to images with flavour that worked together more. I really started to enjoy my blog more and occasionally wonder over to my blog to to have a look!
I thought I cannot keep this blog empty of it's effects so I'll post a handful of my favourite or important posts here with a blurb as well.
*I'll put the blog link up which includes all the original links, sources and dates posted*

This image is one that sums up quite a lot of what I post and what has become almost the norm on my blog. It is in black and white, fashion or make up based with illustration. Some images don't just keep make up to the face, often there is drawing down the arms or o the body. It has an aged feel to it, it could've been taken in the thirties or it has been made to look like this. Many of the black and white images I post contain androgynous looking people as well, they can be quite moody and are , like the above, often added or detailed on the computer afterwards. These type of images are what I am using as inspiration for the photographs of my collection.
I can take old images or mode contemporary fashion images from Vogue editorials or Fashion156 blog which is often a great source of keeping up with new designers and inspirational images.

The whimsical, aged and floral is another theme. If I can mix all the themes then I'm generally happier! But this is one of my favourite images of the last month. Heavily influenced by a golden summer I adore the flowers all over and the mystical character and the bow headband is delighful. Again, flowers and that headband are influencial on my collection.

The third selection is one that I found courtesy of Eric Saeters blog which was always divine to stroll across. Since he started his website up he's disappeared but he selected images that were different to any other blog I follow. They often had a dark thread to them or something that was utterly left field. He picked out jewellery and illustration that I could never have found myself so I always appreciated that. This image took me by surprise, I don't post pictures of nudes, nor do I post pictures of them in such positions but I loved this image and felt it would fit in with what I post, it is my third theme or light, shadows and reflections and of course it's in magical black and white. It is another way of embellishing the body over jewellery or make up. If I could get hold of a projector for my photoshoot I could try this, or just keep it for an idea for the future.

Of course all of these themes are intermingled with my own images of places I have been, my work (which is great to get feedback from), music and videos (Top Hat with Fred Astaire is a recent one- black and white!). Images of exhibitions, pictures of the Beatles and stills from television and film.I always try and select images though, if I can't find the right image or still no matter how much I love the subject, it doesn't go on the blog!

My lovely friend Nicola or MargueriteMoulin has been a terrible influence on me, I blame her for my relatively recent love of florals. I saw the other day, she uses tracked tags on tumblr, hers include buzz words such as - flowers, print, pattern or cats. I have set up a list of my own so I can search for these terms in tumblr for new images. Mine are- androgyny, ballet, black and white, embellishment, glitter, gold, make up, reflection,  shadow, statement jewellery and water. I realise these are the buzzwords I can easily put next to my blog and are reoccurring. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its awesome all of the time to view how folks can compose wonderful stuff about people topics! Thank you and I ve bookmarked you